A downloadable SheldonTheShrimp

Sheldon The Shrimp was my first (and probably last) attempt at coding and now you can play it :0

Sheldon is a silly little shrimp guy who's love for bananas has brought him to the final fronter...SPACE ! Help Sheldon eat of the delectable bananas and go home !

Praise for Sheldon The Shrimp's Space Safari !
9/10 "The sprite work is very good"

8/10 "GOOD"

10/10 "I love the elements of this game. The shrimp and the bananas are funny and silly"


Sheldon the Shrimps Space Safari.zip 25 MB

Install instructions

Just download the file and run "2d Side Scroller"

P.S no idea if this will work with non windows devices :/

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